wish to see”
Career coaching
Thanks to your talents and dedication you’ve reached an interesting and good leadership or expert position and at the same time you know that you can get more fulfilment in your (personal life) and in the organisation that you (want to) work for. But how to get there?
My most important coaching conviction is that self-knowledge is key to future possibilities.
Sometimes easier said than done, but in the end it is empowering when you take a stand for who you really are. It demands honest looking at your qualities, your convictions, limitations, your goals and your ambitions. You will get high value from getting these things clear.
Some of the typical reasons to work with me as a coach are:
- preparing yourself practically and mentally for a next career step
- working on self-confidence and personal leadership
- further developing one or more of your competencies
- connecting your values with those of the organization you (want to) work for
- improving your communication and influencing skills
- making important choices, while working on your work-life balance
- or anything else you may find on the crossroad of your personality and your career.
Themes involved in my personal coaching are further developing self-awareness, building and maintaining effective relationships, learning to make a difference, meanwhile being true to your natural style.
My way of working is to first formulate your development targets (and if needed, adjust them along the way) and then start working on it in approximately 6 coaching sessions. Each session will end with a clear understanding of how you can best prepare for you next session.
By doing your “homework” (reading, podcast, interviews etc.) you will be working continuously on your learning targets as transformation always needs action.
Coaching starts with unravelling you story in order to clarify your goals. My coaching is result-oriented with compassion and sometimes a critical note. The magic happens between the sessions when you’ll be working on yourself and on your goals, if useful be inspired by articles, podcasts, Tedtalks or other sources.
Sessions can take place in my own practice space or online.